Thursday, September 17, 2009

SUPERTANKER-a leadership & planning game.

a leadership and planning game
All organisations – from small teams to giant corporations – are super tankers. Once they are underway, it's very difficult to stop them, or even change direction! The most frequently observed characteristic of a winning team is that it has a mission and well-planned common objectives. However, planning and objective-setting can't be taught by talking to teams about the danger of capsizing or running aground.
The Super Tanker allows the team to experience the six steps to a good plan:
Where are we coming from?
Where are we heading if we keep going as now?
Where are we now?
Where do we want to be?
By when do we want to be there?
How will we get there?
Only then will they realise how important it is to think ahead, plan for contingencies and draw up different scenarios. With only a map and a few clue cards as to their whereabouts and destination, team members must plan the route of a 200,000 ton super tanker through narrow fjords to its final berth. There are several alternatives, some more hazardous than others, so the team must:
Appoint a Leader
Proceed step by step in answering the six planning questions
Listen carefully to each other's information
Make planning decisions by interpreting ambiguous or unclear data
Training Objectives:
To teach the six essential steps in the planning of any project
To demonstrate the need for co-operation, sharing and strategy in a team - especially during the planning of project.

So, use this management game and learn planning,how to co-operate, strategy making,etc.

It is good for management students.

NITIKA DARMOLI, PGDM-3rd sem, section-B

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