Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How to manage yourself in corporate, Read it, its very important for you

1. Get it done/work hard.
2. Set an example/standards.
3. Enjoy yourself .
4. Don't let it get you down.
5. Know what you are supposed to be doing.
6. Know what you are actually doing.
7. Be proactive, not reactive.
8. Be consistent.
9. Set realistic targets for yourself - no, really realistic .
10. Have a game plan, but keep it secret .
11. Get rid of superfluous rules .
12. Learn from your mistakes .
13. Be ready to unlearn - what works changes.
14. Cut the crap - prioritize.
15. Cultivate those in the know.
16. Know when to kick the door shut .
17. Fill your time productively and profitably.
18. Have a Plan B and a Plan C
19. Capitalize on chance - be lucky, but never admit it.
20. Recognize when you're stressed .
21. Manage your health .
22. Be prepared for the pain and pleasure.
23. Face the future .
24. Head up, not head down.
25. See the wood and the trees.
26. Know when to let go.
27. Be decisive, even if it means being wrong sometimes.
28. Adopt minimalism as a management style.
29. Visualize your blue plaque.
30. Have principles and stick to them.
31. Follow your intuition/gut instinct.
32. Be creative .
33. Don’t stagnate.
34. Be flexible and ready to move on.
35. Rememeber the object of the exercise.
36. Remember that none of us has to be here.
37. Go home.
38. Keep learning - especially from the opposition.
39. Be passionate and bold.
40. Plan for the worst, but hope for the best.
41. Let the company see you are on their side.
42. Don’t bad-mouth your boss.
43. Don't bad-mouth your team.
44. Accept that some things the bosses tell you to do will be completely wrong.
45. Accept that the bosses are as scared as you are at times.
46. Avoid straitjacket thinking.
47. Act and talk as if one of them.
48. Show you understand the viewpoint of underlings and overlings.
49. Don’t back down - be prepared to stand your ground.
50. Don’t play politics.
51. Don’t slag off other managers.
52. Share what you know.
53. Don’t intimidate.
54. Be above interdepartmental warfare.
55. Show that you'll fight to the death for your team.
56. Aim for respect rather than being liked.
57. Do one or two things well and avoid the rest.
58. Seek feedback on your performance.
59. Maintain good relationships and friendships.
60. Build respect – both ways – between you and your customers.
61. Go the extra mile for your customers.
62. Be aware of your responsibilities and stick to your principles.
63. Be straight at all times and speak the truth.
64. Don’t cut corners – you’ll get found out .
65. Be in command and take control
66. Be a diplomat for the company

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