Thursday, September 17, 2009

Does your behaviour affect your career?
You are trying to finish an urgent piece of work for a deadline, but the phone interrupts for the fifth time. What do you do? a) As on the

Behaviour at workplace (Getty Images)
previous four occasions, answer politely giving the rehearsed company spiel b) Put the call on hold until you’ve finished your work c) Ignore it. Someone else will answer it How do you behave when you’re at a work-social function? a) You tend not to drink too much and are always on your guard. You never know who’s listening b) You have a few drinks to unwind but know your limit. You don’t want any comeback at work tomorrow c) You relax as you would at any other alcohol-fuelled occasion. Getting drunk with your work-mates is a perk of the job How would you normally relay a message to a colleague? a) Walk round to where they’re sitting b) Send them an e-mail c) Shout across the room. They only sit about three desks away anyway What excuse do you use when you’re late for work? a) It’s usually a genuine one involving delayed transport or having to take the children to school b) Any one of the classics: ‘My alarm didn’t go off, the dog was sick on my suit, I thought it was a Saturday etc...’ c) I’m never late SCORING Maximum As: You appear extremely professional.You do your share diligently, following all the rules and etiquettes. It gives your seniors a very good opinion of you and makes you a prime candidate for any promotion. Maximum Bs: You understand that there are unwritten rules at work, but you don’t choose to observe them all the time.You’d much rather just do your job and not be bothered with the politics that goes with it.This might give you a healthier work-life balance, but you might not have very healthy chances of promotion. If you want to get ahead, try to re-think your behaviour. Maximum Cs: You couldn’t care less — be it appearing professional or follow the unwritten rules at work.You would flout them any way and do whatever you think is convenient. Do you really care for a career? If yes, you better change your behaviour while there is still time.

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