Thursday, September 17, 2009

Think about money, fame and limitless success and what are the names that come to your mind? Be it the Ambanis, the Birlas, the Tatas or the owner of the United Breweries – the stylish Vijay Malliya, they all possess certain qualities that makes them truly exceptional. Of course, some of them had the good fortune to have been born with a silver spoon in the mouth but despite that there are few common “power” traits that added to their wealth and catapulted them to the pinnacle of financial prowess. The good news for you is that you don’t need to have been born a billionaire to develop these traits. So what are they? Let’s find out.1) PassionPeople who are really successful often possess a passion and zest for life that they channel into each and every endeavor they pursue. Anybody, wherever he may be placed financially can easily embrace this trait simply by boosting the level of enthusiasm he possesses, when it comes to fulfilling his immediate career goals as well as working towards any long-term goals that he may have set. Often, it just means getting more excited about anything that you feel needs to be accomplished.2) FocusYou are focused when you have your eyes set on the golden goose. You are focused when you know that something important is at stake. To become truly focused in your life, you have to create that something important. If you feel that your life (by which I mean your career) is stagnating, create a few goals. Enroll for additional classes. Start gunning for a possible promotion, or plan to start your own venture. This is also an excellent way of approaching the goals towards which you don’t feel like working. When you get into this habit of being victorious in achieving the goals you have set, you will become focused towards everything in life.3) Time ManagementWasting time acts as the biggest impediment, slowing you in your quest for success. To be successful, you have to make every second of your time count, and focus hard on completing the tasks which will help get that much closer towards your overall target. There is absolutely no reason for you to allow interruptions and distractions in your life, which will only deter you from achieving your goals. Successful people often force themselves to ignore anything that they perceive as a potential setbacks, be it from their peers, friends, or even their family. You have to realize that though these things have their own importance in life, the amount of time you devote to them shouldn’t cross the border of wastage.4) List-BuildingPeople who are successful know exactly what they need to work on the next day, even before they retire to bed the night before. There is hardly ever a minute of their day that they wont be able to account for because exceptional individuals with proven streaks of success always make it a point to compile a list of goals that need to be achieved by the end of next day. So, before retiring for the night, try making it a habit to create a task list of around five to six tasks, and arrange them in order of their importance. Then, the next day you will know exactly which work should you start your day with. The best part about this is the feeling of achievement as you keep scratching down tasks and continue down the list. This is a very simple exercise to help people to stop procrastinating and get out of the habit of delaying important tasks.5) Don’t WaitThose who are successful, never wait for the right time, and instead jump straight into the fray and turn the tide of time in their favor. Waiting for the perfect moment to occur is just another excuse of inaction. People usually choose to wait for the right time when they feel disinclined to do a certain task or take up a particular responsibility. For such people, the hardest part of becoming successful is not achieving their goal but reaching the starting point.6) Keep GoingThose who allow themselves to be labeled as quitters are never able to achieve success. Why do people quit trying? They do so because they can’t egg on their spirits to keep going – NO MATTER WHAT! I know of someone who’s now heading one of the biggest Chartered Accountant firms in Delhi, but couldn’t manage to clear his chartered accountancy test before the tenth attempt. He failed for nine consecutive times before he managed to finally get through. The moral of the story – If you have set yourself a goal, keep at it, irrespective of the obstacles you face.7) Embrace OpportunitySuccessful people have a habit of grabbing on to every opportunity that comes their way. Such opportunities, when they come in the lives of ordinary people, often go begging, because people often lack the conviction and the courage to reach out to them. There isn’t a lot of difference between taking calculated risks and embracing opportunities. To be truly successful, you must have the courage to pile up the stakes and take a few chances.Overall, successful people are those who believe in action and constant progress. Such individuals have huge dreams and chase them, brushing away all obstacles from their path. So, no matter what your individual goal is, your success is assured if you inculcate some of these above mentioned traits.

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