Friday, September 25, 2009

Groom Up!
10 ways to a better you. Quick tips on how to enhance your personality;-Developing an impressive and attractive personality is a complex and continuous process. In any relation (temporary or permanent) one must realise that one cannot take the other for granted and neither underestimate the other. This stands true even for attracting the opposite sex.It is therefore imperative that one has to cultivate SELF both from within and outside, simultaneously. Within includes attitude, thoughts, opinions, feelings, intelligence, knowledge, appreciation, and wit. Outside includes mannerism, behaviour, cleanliness, communication skills, gait, poise, and style and dress sense.
The above strengths do not get cultivated at the press of a button. It could be natural through upbringing, grooming, family and environment for the lucky early starters. It could be a conscious effort and determination for the others. However certain pointers could always be kept in mind, which will provide an edge to the individual. Yet one must remember, that one has to accept and cultivate such pointers from within (may be gradually), as being phoney will not sustain for long and will boomerang.General Pointers:
Physical -
1. 1. Be Healthy and clean; smell well.
2. 2. Dress well befitting the occasion. Choose clothes that suit your physique.
3. 3. Check on your walking style, standing & sitting postures.
Intellectual -
4. 4. Read well - newspapers, magazines of all sorts, other good books.
5. 5. Be aware of the happenings around - social, cultural, political, economical.
6. 6. Be understanding and balanced - this will get across to people.
7. 7. Develop Communication Skills
Behavioural -
8. 8. Check on your manners, courtesies - politeness.
9. 9. Your style of speaking. Be a good listener and less critical. 10. Have a smiling and pleasant face .

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