Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Indians use more sugar despite high prices"
Despite high prices the country's total sugar consumption is estimated to have jumped by 15 lakh tonnes this year. The sugar consumption of India -- the world's largest consumer of the sweetener -- is estimated to have reached 233 lakh tonnes in 2008-09 season (October-September) from 218 lakh tonnes in the previous year, according to official data.As high as 65 per cent of the total sugar is consumed by bulk consumers like food processing units and the remaining is sold through the retail market where prices have reached at Rs 35-40 a kg from about Rs 16-17 a kg a year ago.The consumption data is based on the quantity of sugar released by the Food Ministry in both open market as well as through ration shops. The sugar sector is controlled by the government from establishing a plant to bringing the sweetener into the market.The center has allocated 205.44 lakh tonnes of sugar in the open market (called as non-levy sugar), while 23.38 lakh tonnes of levy sugar has been distributed through the public distribution system in the current season ending September 30.Of the total allocation made during the year, about 150 lakh tonnes were from this season's production while the remaining 100 lakh tonnes were from the carry-over stock and imports.ANSHU KUMAR P.G.D.M.-1st sem

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