Thursday, October 29, 2009

Students get a chance to visit RBI

KANPUR: Under its financial literacy and inclusion programme, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Wednesday invited students of Class IX and X from one of the private schools of the city.

After welcoming the teachers, general manager (officer incharge) RN Khan congratulated the students for getting the unique and rare chance to visit RBI for educational purpose. He elucidated RBI's pivotal role in currency management, as banker to Central government, state governments and all the banks operating in the country. He also dealt in detail with the country's monetary policy, cash reserve ratio and developmental role in framing and regulating the policy.

Assistant manager Ashok Kumar updated the students on Young Scholar Award Scheme and Summer Placement Scheme. Short and educative documentary films 'Raju and the money tree' and 'Clean note policy' on non-banking supervision were shown to the students.

Students also visited the Exchange Hall and saw the exchange counters and coin vending machines.

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