Monday, March 22, 2010


on 19th march 2010, Enlathan Technology Ltd. company had came to IIMT College of management for the placement of some students. That company had came here for taken those students who has specialization of either marketing or IT . Company had taken G.D. and Interview of students and select some students at the package of 3 lacs per annum .
The detail information of Enlathan Company is follows
Elnathan Technologies Limited is a young and promising IT software development company. Elnathan has a presence in 7 countries and further expanding. Our company is not just one of other software outsourcing developers, We are an IT company with a highly experienced background and fully qualified staff. We provide professional IT outsourcing services, Business Solutions and IT services that promote your image and name to keep it known in the web and world market for many years to come. We offer Web designing/development, E-commerce Solutions, Search Engine Optimization, corporate identity, ERP's, CRM's and client-server applications, Engineering Services,Consulting Services etc.You finally found a unique software development company at a competitive market rate. With Elnathan Technologies you reduce cost of software IT services, Business Solutions and outsourcing and enhance revenue's.

Elnathan Technologies provides you with the following services:

Application Re-engineering

System Transformation services

Remote application maintenance

Database Migration service

Database administration service

Operating system administration

The Enlathan technology practices include


finance & banking


Hospital and Travel

Telecommunication & wireless technology

Retail , warehousing and Manufacturing

Education Etc....


  1. Any body want to invest in investment policy like ULIP. Contect me at 9312951312

  2. Thanks for the information, we will add this story to our blog, as we have a audience in this sector that loves reading like this” ecommercesolutions

  3. elnathan is a fake company,
    all that u hav seen while searchin for this bastard company is 100% true
    even i am also victim of this company.
    i really suggests you to change your mind i you are preparing yourself to join this bastard company.........
    they wll consume ur amount then wll disappear from market.

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