Thursday, November 5, 2009

Development at the cost of humanity

GREAT PHILOSOPHER, Aristotle, has once said, “Man is a social animal.” That is to become a human being, one needs to grow in a society. Aristotle’s saying points out that a newborn learns the things according to the environment he grows up in. For example, if one leaves a new-born child among the wild animals, he will learn the behaviour of animals.
However, in today’s ultra modern world, the term ’society’ has lost its meaning and we are heading towards a dangerous direction. We are not going to stay with wild animals, but despite living in a civilised society, we are loosing the emotional bond with others. Almost everyday we come across several such instances of loosing bond of humanity among the people.
This heartless society, questions the humanity. People now love to move with high speed of the metros and big cities, a number of reasons are behind such inhuman acts and globalisation is one of those. Globalisation had opened Indian market in early 1990s, and within a shot span of time, Multi National Companies ( MNCs) started showing their interests in Indian market. Since then, we have been witnessing continuous growth of the MNCs in big cities of the country. It is obvious that to run any industry, one needs manpower and India is not short of this. Foreign companies hire Indian youths by offering huge salaries and make them habitual to work in shifts like night shifts.
Today we can see a pool of working people during morning and evening hours on Delhi’s roads. From earlier relaxed six to seven hours of government jobs, now no one hesitates to do long shifts of 15 to 16 hours, as they get good packages. Now career and earning money have become a priority for every individual and their efficiency levels have also increased. Of course, one should change himself or herself with time to survive in this changing world, but one must not go against the nature; going against the nature may be harmful. Same thing is happening nowadays and we are surely going on wrong direction.
A number of the negative aspects of such rapid growth can be counted; one of the those is that people are fast losing emotional bond with each other. Today, in general most of Delhiites do not care about humanity or helping out others during any type of crisis. Reaching office or returning home on time has become more important rather than helping out a bleeding or unconscious person.
Last but not the least, man is a social animal and to survive in this world one needs help of others. We are not caring about the social aspect now due to limelight of cities, but the day would certainly come when we have to return back to the basics of society and humanity.

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