Thursday, November 5, 2009

26/11 terrorists were stressed,handlers motivated them

MUMBAI: Pakistan-based conspirators of 26/11 terror attacks, who were in constant touch with the terrorists here on telephone, had tried to boost
the morale of one of the attackers who seemed to have developed fatigue and stress while fighting armed forces for two days at Nariman House. This was revealed in the court on Wednesday through CDs which contained recorded telephone talks between the attackers and their Pakistan-based handlers intercepted during the siege. In a conversation, terrorist Babar Imran tells his Pakistani handler that another terrorist Abu Umer had developed stress and fatigue and had some anxious moments. Therefore, he (Imran) had confined him to a room. The handler then told Imran to give the cell phone to Umer so that he can motivate him to fight the armed forces. He then asked Umer whether he had performed Namaz and also if he had fired at targets. He also reminded Umer that he had to fight like a lion. "If you see movements (of armed forces) then you fire". Umer assured him that he would follow the instructions. The handler also asked Imran whether they had killed hostages, to which Imran said he was waiting for their call. The handler then told Imran that he was free to kill hostages and Imran fires from his gun (the shots were heard on telephone). The handler inquired whether he had killed one hostage or two, to which Imran said he killed one and Umer shot dead the other hostage.

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