Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ice-creams get healthier, more yummy

Researchers have discovered ways to create tastier and healthier ice-creams.
University of Missouri-Columbia (UM-C) researchers found the secret is to add fibre, antioxidants and probiotics.
'The idea of putting a functional ingredient into a food instead of just using the nutrients found in the food naturally takes a multi-functional approach,' said Ingolf Gruen, professor of food chemistry and ice-cream researcher at the UM-C.
'Food provides calories and comfort - people want to indulge. We're working on making ice-cream satisfying and healthy,' he added.
Adding nutrients such as probiotics, which are already found in some dairy products, and fibre to ice-cream can improve digestive health. Many diseases are caused by inflammation that starts in the intestines, Gruen said.
'Our major challenges are texture, flavour and psychological acceptance. The nutrients we add often have bitter tastes and affect the texture of ice-cream that we have to mask,' Gruen said.
Flavours like chocolate are easier to work with because it is so strong that it can overcome other flavours from the nutrients, said an UM-C release.
Gruen and his team are looking at using the acai berry and grape extracts in wine-making to add nutrients to ice-cream. They hope to have a prototype ready for tasting in the next six months.

PGDM-3rd sem

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